
Vitamin C Solutions

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Side Effects of Vitamin C Dehydroascorbic Acid Serum Used Topically

When used straight from the bottle our DHAA Vitamin C serum has a PH of 4 to 4.5 which is slightly acidic. We have made it this way so the serum is strong enough to be effective against hard actinic keratosis lesions, basal cell carcinomas and acute infections.

When the serum is used at full strength, or only slightly diluted, irritation may occur in those with sensitive skin. Irritation may also occur after long term use in those with less sensitive skin. If irritation occurs simply wash the product off with water as it is very soluble and apply a lesser amount more diluted next time.

Basal Cell Carcinoma and Keratosis

Most users start with a strong solution or 3 to 5 parts water to one part DHAA Vitamin C serum and dilute further to cosmetic levels one progress is being made. Keratosis, basal cell carcinoma and other sun damaged areas have a far lesser tolerance of the serum than healthy skin.

Affected areas will react after around a week and begin shedding in layers of flaky skin or thin scabs. Stronger doses will result in quicker resolution but more scabbing, lesser doses take longer to resolve the lesion but do so without scabbing and instead shed flaky skin from the affected areas. Often areas you haven't noticed before will react and we believe these to be pre-symptomatic lesions that would eventually become keratosis or basal cell carcinomas. Usually the serum leaves no visible scarring even on full thickness lesions. Alway get any suspicious moles or growths checked by a specialist. Case Studies - Basal Cell Carcinoma - Actinic Keratosis

Cellulitis - Infections

There are a variety of causes for cellulitus and it is a condition that can rapidly deteriorate into a life threatening sepsis if left untreated, or is not responding to your current treatment. If considering the use of Vitamin C DHAA serum topically you need to act quickly and use in a fairly high concentration for the first application. I have placed the cases we have personal experience with into two categories, acute cellulitis and chronic cellulitis.

Acute Cellulitus

This results when an otherwise healthy person gets an insect bite, cut or scratch and the resulting infection spreads quickly. We have written up/reported four case studies on this site and have curtailed many similar infections well before the have got to the severity of the cases we report here.

In every case the infection has been resolved with very obvious signs of recovery within 24 hours of the first application of the serum. In all serious cases the DHAA Serum has been put on immediately and a doctors appointment has been made at the same time. In every case the appointment has been cancelled as the infection abated well before the appointment time. Case studies with dosages here - Infections and Cellulitis - Infected Spider Bites

Chronic Cellulitus

The cases we have seen are all in the lower legs (shins) and have been characterised by poor circulation, three have had extensive vein stripping surgery for varicose vein issues and others have compromised blood flow. DHAA Vitamin C Serum is far less effective in these cases.

Usually in cases of poor circulation the chronic cellulitus is just held at bay by the immune system and can be set off with even the slightest damage to the skin. The progression is often slower than acute cellulitis but two of the three cases we are aware of had a history of deteriorating to life threating sepsis in the past.

Three Chronic Cellulitis Cases with Poor Circulation

DHAA vitamin C serum is not as effective in cases where blood flow is compromised.

67yo male had been hospitalised twice for sepsis before using the serum and liposomal vitamin c for a varicose ulcer and cellulitus. He has avoided any serious relapses or sepsis in the last two years since using DHAA serum and liposomal vitamin C despite have several recurrences of cellulitus.

An 83 year old female with the most damaged veins had slight improvement on DHAA serum with extended periods of remission but still needed medical intervention occasionally.

The last case is a new study on a 93yo female and even though it early days it appears the vitamin C DHAA serum is not completely resolving the cellulitus and ulcer but is helping keep it at bay.

The situation where DHAA vitamin C is less effective may be similar in diabetic cases, particularly in those who have poorly controlled blood sugar levels.

Cosmetic Use - Scar Reduction

If using this product daily for cosmetic purposes, rejuventaion or scar reduction it should be watered down during application. At one drop per 15 cm diameter circle of skin area spread with wetted finger or hand full saturation of the skin with vitamin c will occur, if you put more than this on the rest is wasted.

It is very unlikely irritation will occur at this dosage but if it does, keep reducing the amount until no irritation occurs, the serum is very potent and only a tiny amount is usually required. Everybodys skin is different. Diluted at 10 - 15 parts water to one part serum is a good starting point for cosmetic use.

Vitamin C and Dehydro Ascorbic Acid Serum Contra-indications and Side Effects list 137 drugs that interact with Vitamin C, only eight have moderate interactions, a further 129 are considered to have minor interactions. Unlike most drugs vitamin C is relatively compatable with the vast majority of treatments and is completely harmless to almost everyone.

However, if you are considering mega-dosing any type of vitamin C have a blood test to check for G6PD deficiency. This rare condition reduces vitamin C tolerance and you can have a serious reaction to a high dose.

Diarrhea also often occurs at high oral doses of vitamin C.

If you take the DHAA/Vitamin C serum orally remember that the DHAA component is seven times more potent/absorbent than normal Vitamin C. Just 5 grams of pure Dehydroascorbic acid will raise blood vitamin C levels around the same as 36 grams of Lipospheric Vitamin C.

The Ascorbic Acid and Dehydroascorbic Acid we use in our products are the two most natural forms of vitamin C.

DHAA Blood Levels

Doug Kitt raised his blood levels of Ascorbic Acid to 472uM/L with 5 grams of DHAA without incurring diarrhea, the highest ever blood levels of vitamin C recorded from an oral dose....more

Liposomal Vitamin C Blood Levels

Even after ingesting 36 grams of lipospheric sodium ascorbate two volunteers only achieved a Vitamin C blood level of 430uM/L with both subjects experiencing diarrhoea....more.

Important Considerations with High Dose DHAA

Most of the cases reported on this website used maximum doses of between 500mg to 1000mg per day topically. Those using it orally for dental issues use around 500mg per dose. Little DHAA is needed as it is very potent form of vitamin C due to it's high absorption rates whether taken orally or topically.

Experimenting with high dose oral DHAA (more than one gram) is new and largely untested. As demonstrated by Doug Kitt's research DHAA is a very potent form of Vitamin C when taken orally and only IV infusion can raise blood levels further.

One teaspoon of our DHAA Ascorbic Acid Serum contains around 750mg of total vitamin C. The DHAA content is slightly less than half of the total vitamin C.

Ingredients are: Organic Vegetable Glycerine and Ascorbic Acid. We then carefully convert some of the ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid.

Without question DHAA is the most potent form of Vitamin C for raising blood levels of natural Ascorbic Acid. Always remember much less is needed to do the job!

We do not reccomend exceeding half a teaspoon of DHAA vitamin C serum orally.


This information above should not be used to decide whether or not to take vitamin C in excess of the recommended daily dose. Only your health care provider has the knowledge and training to decide which medicines are right for you. This information does not endorse any vitamin dosage above the recommended daily dose as safe, effective, or approved for treating any patient or health condition. It does not include all information about the possible uses, directions, warnings, precautions, interactions, adverse effects, or risks that may apply to vitamin C above the recommended daily dose.

This information is not medical advice and does not replace information you receive from your health care provider. You must talk with your healthcare provider for complete information about the risks and benefits of using high dose vitamin c in particular.